Friday, January 6, 2012

What would happen with if chemotherapy was never discovered?

Than there would be fewer cancer survivors. Cancer is a progressive disease which starts out very small and than grows indefinitely. Without effective treatment a patient is overwhelmed by tumor growth. The way that cancer progresses is by a process called metastasis. The cancer tumor at some point will begin to 'shed hundreds and hundreds of 'seeds' or cancer cells directly into the blood stream or lymphatic system. Once a cancer is metastatic . . the cells can travel anywhere in the body using the blood system. Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that uses the blood stream to deliver medication. Chemotherapy follows the identical route that the metastatic cancer cells follow . . and the intent with chemo is to kill off the microscopic cancer cells before they lodge and create new cancers . . the intent is also to shrink larger tumors and to kill off any smaller metastatic disease . . there is no other way to treat metastatic cancer. With chemotherapy a cancer patient has a chance . . without . . there is no chance.

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